EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
EbsScript / Access to topology and properties
In This Topic
    Access to topology and properties
    In This Topic

    Topology Accesses

    EbsScript mainly helps in an automatic processing of the data stored in Ebsilon. It is not possible to change the topology of the model with EbsScript. This must be done with the graphical Editor.

    However, in certain cases it is helpful to be able to access the topology functions from EbsScript. For instance, in order to access the values of the connected pipes from a component, one must know, which pipe is connected where. This is enabled by special topology functions (in this case getPipeAtLink), which are described in the chapter on Default value functions.

    However, there is a simplified syntax, with which one can access the connections. Nesting is also possible here.





    Connection at Pin i

    Generator._2.Q  Electrical generator power


    Component at the other end of the connection at Pin i

    Steam generator.__2.ETAI Efficiency
    HP-Turbine Steam generator.__2._2.P    Outlet pressure HP-Turbine


    Component at the inlet of the pipe

    Electro._in.ETAG Generator efficiency


    Component at the outlet of the pipe

    L_Main steam._out.ETAI  Efficiency HP-Turbine

    comp.__[port number] access to next component (NOT a line, which is connected via a line to connection "port number". turbine.__6 returns the component connected to the shaft output of the turbine.
    comp.__[port number]d Access to next component or line connected by a line to connection "port number" transmitter.__1d returns the object connected to the input of the value transmitter
    comp.__[port number]p access to next line (NOT a component), which is connected by a line to connection "port number" controller.__3p returns the line connected to the controller's "corrected value" output
    pipe._in and ._out access next component (NOT a pipe) which is connected to the inlet or outlet of the pipe water._in returns the component connected to the inlet of the water pipe
    pipe._ind and ._outd access next component or pipe connected to the pipe inlet/outlet logic._ind returns the object connected to the logic pipe inlet
    pipe._inp and ._outp access next pipe (NOT a component) associated with the pipe's entry or exit. scheduled._inp returns the pipe pointed to by the scheduled pipe

    The EbsScript function getLogicObj() can be used to access value crosses, components like 45, 46 etc. and other logic lines docking to a line.


    Accordingly, other attributes of the objects of a model (components, lines, macros, value crosses, text fields, OLE object, graphic elements, etc.) can also be accessed - some properties are not available for all object types:



    Data type


    absoluteName Complete object name String "::Getriebe::Rechner"
    alignHorz Horizontal alignment TextAlignmentHorizontalEnum T.alignHorz := TextAlignmentHorizontalRight;
    alignVert Vertical alignment TextAlignmentVerticalEnum T.alignVert := TextAlignmentVerticalCenter;
    alwaysDIN Representation according to DIN, classical stream types, some components Boolean T.alwaysDIN := false;
    calcstatus Calculation status 0: Component deactivated, : Component is calculated, 2: Component deactivated, but taken into account for outputs Integer T.calcstatus := 0,1,2;
    calcresultsatiterationstep rue: Result calculation also after each iteration step CalculateResultsAtIterationStepEnum T.calcresultsatiterationstep := CalculateResultsAtIterationStepOnlyLastOne;
    calculationFPROG ID of the user-defined sub-programme (see default value FPROG) Integer KernelScripting, see components 65 und 93
    calculationKernelScript Text of the kernel script created for the component String T.KernelScript := "begin end;";
    calculationKernelScriptAuxiliaryCalls KernelScript specific auxiliary calls ComponentCalculationKernelScriptAuxiliaryCallsEnum T.ComponentCalculationKernelScriptAuxiliaryCall := ComponentCalculationKernelScriptAuxiliaryCallsNo;
    calculationKernelScriptGenerateDefaultEquations KernelScript specific: Generate standard equations automatically ComponentCalculationKernelScriptGenerateDefaultEquationsEnum T.ComponentCalculationKernelScriptGenerateDefaultEquations := ComponentCalculationKernelScriptGenerateDefaultEquationsYes;
    calculationMode Calculation mode of a component:
    Standard, XUI-DLL, KernelScripting
    ComponentCalculationModeEnum T.ComponentCalculationMode := ComponentCalculationModeInternal:
    calculationSequence Default value FSEQ of some components, KernelScripting, XUI-DLL ComponentCalculationSequenceEnum T.ComponentCalculationSequence := TestLib_AreIntegersEqual_AndExit (T.calculationSequence, ComponentCalculationSequenceParallelToOtherComponents;
    color Filling colour of the components (standard: yellow) Integer T.color := $2068FF; // orange
    color2 Alternating colour of a stream Integer T.color2 := $FF0000; // blue
    color3 unused Integer T.color3 := $0000FF; // red
    color4 Colour of the rim one component (standard black) Integer T.color4 := $D0E040; // light blue
    containerMacro The macro in which a component is contained ebsmacro

    println (Getriebe.containerMacro);

    currentPicture Index of the image used to display an object integer T.currentPicture := 0, 1, 2... ;
    description Description text String Messwert.description:="T hinter HD-VW 5";

    Description text2 (e. g. Leittechnik-Kennung)

    String Messwert.description2:="I0005";
    description3 Description text3 (e. g. Verwendungsbereich) String


    description4 Description text4 (e. g. Kennzeichen) String Messwert.description4:="X";
    disableEbsScriptEvaluation Deactivate the execution of EbsScripts in text fields - the script text is then output. Boolean Textfeld.disableEbsScriptEvaluation := true;
    drawBodyStyle Display standard graphic and/or picture DrawBodyStyleEnum T.DrawBodyStyle := DrawBodyStyleDefaultAndPicture;
    fontAutoScale Adjust object and/or font size - or no adjustment Integer Getriebe::Rechner.fontAutoScale := 2;
    fontCol Font colour Integer T.fontcol := $480048; // Purpur
    fontName Name of the font String println (T.fontName);
    fontPointSize Size of the font in points Integer T.fontPointSize := 14;
    fontSize Size of the font Integer T.fontSize := -18;
    fullName Full name of the object String "Getriebe::Rechner"
    htmlAutoResize For HTML texts: automatic resizing so that the text is displayed in full Boolean Text.htmlAutoResize := true;
    htmlCSS The CSS of the HTML text field String Text.htmlCSS:= "h1 {color:mediumseagreen; font-weight:bold; font-size:28pt}";
    htmlSyntax Output text unprocessed (false) or interpreted as HTML (true) Boolean Text.htmlSyntax := true;
    name Name of the object String "Rechner"
    parentObject The associated parent object (for macros) ebsobject println (Getriebe::Rechner.parentObject);
    pictureCount Number of images assigned to an object Integer println (Getriebe.pictureCount);
    shape The shape of the component with which it is displayed Integer T.shape := 4;
    shapeCount Number of available shapes of a component Integer println (Getriebe::Kondensator.shapeCount);
    sortString Sort string for the internal calculation kernel object sequence String T.sortString := "bb";
    text The text that was entered in the text field. String println (Text.text); --> {getfilename()}
    textEvaluated The text that is displayed in a text field. String println (Text.textEvaluated); -->AllProperties.ebs
    textDependsOnProfile true: different texts in profiles possible Boolean Text.textDependsOnProfile := true;
    textFromParentProfile true: The text from the parent profile is displayed Boolean Text.textFromParentProfile := false;
    transientState transient calculation: This one time-dependent default value provides the component results of all time-dependent default values of this component at the end of a time step as start values for the next time step. String println (Getriebe::Kondensator.transientState);
    visible Visibility of the object Integer

    Messwert.visible:=false;          // unsichtbar schalten

    width Width of a stream Integer T._1.width := 4; // Leitung an Anschluss 1 auf Breite 4 setzen


    The use of this syntax is possible with Ebsvar constants (direct use of the names of the corresponding object in the model) as well as with Ebsvar variables (variables defined in the EbsScript, which point to the objects in the model). Example:

    If there is a pipe with the name H2O_DAMPF_4 in the model and ePipe is declared in EbsScript

    var ePipe:ebsPipe;

    then after the assignment


    the pressure on this line can be accessed with


    as well as with
